47 research outputs found

    An evaluation on mechanisms of miscibility development in acid gas injection for volatile oil reservoirs

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    International audienceProduced gas containing the acid gas reinjection is one of the effective enhanced oil recovery methods, not only saving costs of disposing acid gases and zero discharge of greenhouse gases but also supporting reservoir pressure. The subsurface fluid from the Carboniferous carbonate reservoir in the southern margin of the Pre-Caspian basin in Central Asia has low density, low viscosity, high concentrations of H2S (15%) and CO2 (4%), high solution gas/oil ratio. The reservoir is lack of fresh water because of being far away onshore. Pilot test has already been implemented for the acid gas reinjection. Firstly, in our work a scheme of crude oil composition grouping with 15 compositions was presented on the basis of bottomhole sampling from DSTs of four wells. After matching PVT physical experiments including viscosity, density and gas/oil ratio and pressure–temperature (P–T) phase diagram by tuning critical properties of highly uncertain heavy components, the compositional model with phase behavior was built under meeting accuracy of phase fitting, which was used to evaluate mechanism of miscibility development in the acid gas injection process. Then using a cell-to-cell simulation method, vaporizing and/or condensing gas drive mechanisms were investigated for mixtures consisting of various proportions of CH4, CO2 and H2S in the gas injection process. Moreover, effects of gas compositions on miscible mechanisms have also been determined. With the aid of pressure-composition diagrams and pseudoternary diagrams generated from the Equation of State (EoS), pressures of First Contact Miscibility (FCM) and Multiple Contact Miscibility (MCM) for various gases mixing with the reservoir oil sample under reservoir temperature were calculated. Simulation results show that pressures of FCM are higher than those of MCM, and CO2 and H2S are able to reduce the miscible pressure. At the same time, H2S is stronger. As the CH4 content increases, both pressures of FCM and MCM are higher. But incremental values of MCM decrease. In addition, calculated envelopes of pseudoternary diagrams for mixtures of CH4, CO2 and H2S gases of varying composition with acid gas injection have features of bell shape, hourglass shape and triangle shape, which can be used to identify vaporizing and/or condensing gas drives. Finally, comparison of the real produced gas and the one deprived of its C3+ was performed to determine types of miscibility and calculate pressures of FCM and MCM. This study provides a theoretical guideline for selection of injection gas to improve miscibility and oil recovery

    Reordering Webpage Objects for Optimizing Quality-of-Experience

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    The quality of experience (QoE) perceived by users is a critical performance measure for Web browsing. “Above-The-Fold” (ATF) time has been recently recognized and widely used as a direct measure of user-end QoE by a number of studies. To reduce the ATF time, the existing works mainly focus on reducing the delay of networking. However, we observe that the webpage structures and content orders can also significantly affect theWeb QoE. In this paper, we propose a novel optimization framework that reorders the webpage objects to minimize the user-end ATF time. Our core idea is to first identify the webpage objects that consume the ATF time but have no impact on the page experience and then change the positions of these objects to achieve the minimum ATF time. We implement this framework and evaluate its performance with popular websites. The results show that the ATF time is greatly reduced compared with the existing works, especially for complex webpages

    Analysis of Flow Behavior for Acid Fracturing Wells in Fractured-Vuggy Carbonate Reservoirs

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    This study develops a mathematical model for transient flow analysis of acid fracturing wells in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs. This model considers a composite system with the inner region containing finite number of artificial fractures and wormholes and the outer region showing a triple-porosity medium. Both analytical and numerical solutions are derived in this work, and the comparison between two solutions verifies the model accurately. Flow behavior is analyzed thoroughly by examining the standard log-log type curves. Flow in this composite system can be divided into six or eight main flow regimes comprehensively. Three or two characteristic V-shaped segments can be observed on pressure derivative curves. Each V-shaped segment corresponds to a specific flow regime. One or two of the V-shaped segments may be absent in particular cases. Effects of interregional diffusivity ratio and interregional conductivity ratio on transient responses are strong in the early-flow period. The shape and position of type curves are also influenced by interporosity coefficients, storativity ratios, and reservoir radius significantly. Finally, we show the differences between our model and the similar model with single fracture or without acid fracturing and further investigate the pseudo-skin factor caused by acid fracturing

    Magnet Slotting Design to Reduce High Order Electromagnetic Force and Vibration of Permanent Magnet Motor

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    In this paper, a new method is proposed to suppress the vibration caused by the modulation effect of high-order electromagnetic forces in permanent magnet (PM) motors. Firstly, the modulation effect of the radial force was investigated, which indicated that the higher-order electromagnetic force could cause modulated vibrations through the modulation effect. Then, auxiliary slots on the magnet surface and their effect on vibration reduction were investigated. The optimal shape of the auxiliary slot was found to minimize the noise of motor vibration. Finally, the method was verified experimentally

    Underwater distributed channel sandstone reservoir characterization in Kumkol South Oilfield, South Turgai Basin

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    819-825Under the guidance of modern river distribution pattern, the architecture characteristics and sedimentation mechanism of distributed channelis studied with the core, log and seismic data. Based on the research mentioned above, with the increasing of A/S, the shape of composite distribution channel sand body is varied as sheet belt and wide belt and narrow belt and band-like belt.There are three types of single distributed channel, including the high sinuous distributed channel and the low sinuous distributed channel and the straight distributed channel. As the accommodation increasing and the sediments supply decreasing, the distributed pattern of the single distributed channel changes from the high sinuous distributed channel to the low sinuous distributed channel and the straight distributed channel. There are three types of mudstone interlayer in the single distributed channel. The continuous mudstone interlayer has high GR of SP value and is mainly developed in the straight distributed channel and its size is relatively large. The complex mudstone interlayer has medium GR of SP value and is mainly developed in the low sinuous distributed channel and its size is medium. The discontinuous mudstone interlayer has low GR of SP value and is mainly developed in the high sinuous distributed channel and its size is relatively small

    An evaluation on phase behaviors of gas condensate reservoir in cyclic gas injection

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    Maintaining the reservoir pressure by gas injection is frequently adopted in the development of gas condensate reservoir. The aim of this work is to investigate the phase behavior of condensate oil and remaining condensate gas in the formation under gas injection. The DZT gas condensate reservoir in East China is taken as an example. The multiple contact calculation based on cell-to-cell method and phase equilibrium calculations based on PR Equation of State (EOS) were utilized to evaluate the displacement mechanism and phase behavior change. The research results show that different pure gas has different miscible mechanism in the displacement of condensate oil: vaporizing gas drive for N2 and CH4; condensing gas drive for CO2 and C2H6. Meanwhile, there is a vaporing gas drive rather than a condensing gas drive for injecting produced gas. When the condensate oil is mixed with 0.44 mole fraction of produced gas, the phase behavior of the petroleum mixture reverses, and the condensate oil is converted to condensate gas. About the reinjection of produced gas, the enrichment ability of hydrocarbons is better than that of no-hydrocarbons. After injecting produced gas, retrograde condensation is more difficult to occur, and the remaining condensate gas develops toward dry gas

    Productivity analysis for a horizontal well with multiple reorientation fractures in an anisotropic reservoir

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    Reorientation fractures may be formed in soft and shallow formations during fracturing stimulation and then affect well productivity. The principal focus of this study is on the productivity analysis for a horizontal well with multiple reorientation fractures in an anisotropic reservoir. Combining the nodal analysis technique and fracture-wing method, a semi-analytical model for a horizontal well with multiple finite-conductivity reorientation fractures was established to calculate its dimensionless productivity index and derivative for production evaluation. A classic case in the literature was selected to verify the accuracy of our semi-analytical solution and the verification indicates this new solution is reliable. Results show that for a fixed fracture configuration the dimensionless productivity index of the proposed model first goes up and then remains constant with the increase of fracture conductivity, and optimal fracture conductivity can be determined on derivative curves. Strong permeability anisotropy is a negative factor for well production and the productivity index gradually decreases with the increase of anisotropic factor. As principal fracture angle goes up, horizontal well’s productivity index increases correspondingly. However, the effect of reoriented fracture angle on the productivity index is not as strong as that of principal fracture angle. When reoriented fracture angle is smaller than principal fracture angle, reoriented factor should be as low as possible to achieve optimal productivity index. Meanwhile, well productivity index rises up with the increase of fracture number and fracture spacing, but the horizontal well has optimal reorientation fracture number and fracture spacing to get the economical productivity. Furthermore, the influence of the rotation of one central reorientation fracture on productivity index is weaker than that caused by the rotation of one external reorientation fracture. In addition, the asymmetrical distribution of one or more reorientation fractures slightly affects the productivity index when fracture conductivity is high enough

    Oil property changes during the waterflooding for reservoirs with condensate gas cap

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    Zanarol Oilfield is a giant carbonate reservoir with condensate cap, weakly volatile oil, and bioclastic limestone of low porosity and permeability. During the waterflooding stage, formation pressure decreased step by step resulting from the former depleting development and the strong heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirs. The gas cap spread outwards with the formation pressure dropping, causing gas breakthrough in production wells near the oil and gas contact, GOR increased and oil density decreased. In the internal oil region far from the oil-gas contact, the dropping reservoir pressure led to dissolved gas separating out from oil, making crude oil change to black oil from weak volatile oil. With the separated solution gas, the oil density, produced gas oil ratio and oil viscosity increased, the oil well productivity decreased, all these make waterflooding more difficult. The main method for improving development response is to keep formation pressure and improve the utilization factor of water injection. Key words: condensate gas cap, waterflood development, formation pressure, crude oil property, phase behavior, Zanarol Oilfiel

    A Novel Model Incorporating Geomechanics for a Horizontal Well in a Naturally Fractured Reservoir

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    Fracture aperture of a fractured reservoir can be affected by both matrix elasticity and fracture compressibility when the reservoir pressure decreases, namely stress sensitivity. An elasticity parameter coupling Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio was introduced to reflect this geomechanical behavior, and a new model incorporating geomechanics was developed to analyze the flow behavior of a horizontal well in a naturally fractured reservoir. Pressure solutions for two cases—uniform-flux and infinite-conductivity—were derived, respectively. For the uniform-flux case, the effect of dimensionless elasticity parameter on the pressure-drop profile becomes stronger with continuing production, and the profile may be like a bow. Nine flow regimes can be observed on the transient response of the infinite-conductivity case. Stress sensitivity mainly affects the late-flow period and a larger dimensionless elasticity parameter causes a greater pressure drop. Due to stress sensitivity, the pressure derivative curve exhibits an upward tendency in the pseudo-radial flow regime, and the slope is greater than “1” in the pseudo-steady flow regime. For KT-I formation in the North Truva field, its elasticity parameter decreases with the increase of Young’s modulus or Poisson’s ratio and ranges from 8 × 10−8 Pa−1 to 1.1 × 10−7 Pa−1. Meanwhile, the transient response of H519 has a slight negative correlation with Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio in the pseudo-steady flow regime